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Prayers: Reasons
Prayers: Reasons
by Marjorie Dobson
Prayers: Reasons (The passage from Joel speaks of dreams and visions. In 2005 the church I attend, (Westborough Methodist in Scarborough) held a Stewardship campaign and in our publicity we used the title of A CHURCH FOR ALL REASONS.. One of our publications was a prayer-card for…
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 119: 10-11
With My WholeHeart - Psalm 119: 10-11
by SPCK - James Jones
Psalm 119. 10, 11 It is one thing to think a thought, it is quite another to bury it and hide it in the heart. Years ago people would learn verses of the Bible off by heart; sadly this is no longer in vogue educationally. Pity! We deprive ourselves. Memorizing a verse, meditating…
Where there is water, where there is worship
Where there is water, where there is worship
by Michael Docker
Where there is water, where there is worship, There is a sign for all to see, Here we are challenged, called by the water, Drawn to the death that sets us free. One time Jesus came to John, Like the others to be baptised; Signed his death and heard God say, ”With him I am pleased…
Imagining the Lectionary: backlit by Easter and luminous with hope (Easter 2A)
Imagining the Lectionary: backlit by Easter and luminous with hope (Easter 2A)
by David Perry
Imagining the Lectionary: backlit by Easter and luminous with hope Reflection accompanying image “fresh spring tulips backlit” Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! By his great mercy he has given us a new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of…
Hymn: A time is coming
Hymn: A time is coming
by Michael Docker
A time is coming - almost here When things long hid will be made clear And worship won't be here or there But by God's Spirit we'll declare The living Word is true, A time is coming and our aim Will be to glory in Christ's shame; And we will worship in his name; Filled with God's…
John for Everyone part 2 - The Burial of Jesus
John for Everyone part 2 - The Burial of Jesus
by SPCK - N T Wright
The Burial of Jesus John 19.38-42 The camel was called Michael. He stood, with his owner, outside the walls of Jerusalem. Our day’s tour was over, and one member of the party at least was keen to do something different. I went with her to speak to the camel’s owner, one of the ma…
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Paul Reaches Athens
Acts for Everyone Part 2 - Paul Reaches Athens
by SPCK - N T Wright
Paul Reaches Athens Acts 17.10-21 There seems to be an increasing fashion in the sporting world, especially in sports that originated in Europe, for ‘World Cup’ contests, and similar events organized in geographical regions. Unless you are a very avid sports fan, these events see…
Prayer: Awesome God, Creator of all
Prayer: Awesome God, Creator of all
by John Birch
Prayers of Adoration, Confession and Thanksgiving by John Birch ADORATION Awesome One, creator of all, the light of your glory fills the heavens, the breath of your Spirit blows through the skies, stars above stand silent witness to the power of our God. Continues... CONFESSION Y…
Prayers for All Occasions Book - Prayer - Trinity